Interest Groups

  • Join an Interest Group, or express your interest in learning more, by completing this form or contacting directly the coordinator listed below.



  • Bon Appetit Gourmet Cooking Group Bon Appetit Group - 2/23


    Gourmet cooking groups of 8 - 20 people will meet to share food, fun, recipes, and cooking tips. Themes, times and places will be decided by members of the groups. Partners may attend. Although this club is FULL and CLOSED to new members, a new cooking group will be forming if enough members sign up.

    Contact:  Rusty Bowman

    Group full- Waiting list available                                                                                           TOP



  • #text

    Book Groupsbooks

    BOOK CLUB 2 -  3rd Thursday, 1:00 PM - Group full at this time

    BOOK CLUB 3 (BBBs) - 2nd Wednesday, noon - Open to additional members

       Contact:  Sally Lester

    BOOK CLUB 4 (Happy Bookers) - 2nd Wednesday, 1- 2:30 PM - Waiting list available

       Contact: Eleanor Southers 

    BOOK CLUB 5 - 3rd Monday, 1:00 - 3 PM - Open to additional members                                         TOP

      Contact: Mary Jane Chambers



  • Bridge for Fun bridge

    2 Mondays per month, 1:30 PM 

    Bridge for intermediate and advanced players.

    Group full at this time

    Contact: Linda Koval



  • Campus Events 

    Dates vary.

    This interest group is dedicated to keeping our eyes and ears open for interesting events happening at UCSC.  The planning committee looks for plays, musical performances, campus facility tours, art exhibits, lectures, etc. that might be of interest to our members and then we reach out to invite our members to join us in attending these events.                                                                                                                      

    Contact: Donna Cavaillé



  • English in Action conversation

    Visiting international students, scholars and/or spouses are invited to participate in our volunteer program, known as English in Action. A volunteer from the University Community Connections’s Club will meet on a weekly basis for an hour with the participant. The program consists of an informal, non-structured meeting which gives the scholar, student or spouse an opportunity to practice conversational English and ask questions about the community. The meeting time and place will be arranged between the participant and the volunteer. Meetings between students and volunteers can be virtual or in person, depending on the preference of the people involved. We don’t have group meetings for volunteers. There is no charge for this program. It is not a class, but a one-to-one conversation.

    Open to additional members                                                                                                  TOP

    Contact: Karin Grobe



  • choir

    FIAT MUSICA - A Choral Group

    Thursdays at 7:00-8:30 PM

    Do you love to sing? Are you interested in sharing the joy of music with other women? The interest group Fiat Musica is a women's choir which performs throughout the community, including holiday concerts, two performances for UCSC Community Connections and an annual Family and Friends Concert in May or June. We sing many styles of music: classical, pop and oldies, folk and world music and Broadway show tunes.

    Fiat Musica welcomes new singers. The best times to join are October and January.

    Contact: Emily Sinclair                                                                                                        TOP



  • Financial Planning & Investment Management - Solutions for Women in 2022 and Beyond

    Meeting dates and times to be determined by the group's preferences

    New and returning members are welcome to meet at Jane's office*. We will meet in person, socially distanced. Guest speakers will be included and topics scheduled in advance. Topics will be varied and include aspects of foundational planning and investment insights which are pertinent for those single, partnered/married, working, aiming toward retirement or retired.

    *Jane McKenzie's Office - 1010 Fair Avenue, Suite G, Santa Cruz, CA  95060

    Contacts:  Jane McKenzie (preferred) or cell phone - 831-234-5730                                          TOP



  • Garden Group garden

    2nd Monday, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM  ALL YEAR LONG

    This club is CLOSED to new members due to its size. If there is enough interest, a new club can be formed.

    Contact: Cherry Thompson

    Liaison to Community Connections Board: Trician Comings                                                                                                       TOP



  • Hiking/Walking Group hiking

    2nd Thursday, 9:30 AM

    The Wiking Club members enjoy the wonders of Northern California hiking trails in our immediate area. Members of the group rotate the responsibility of leading a hike and contacting everyone by email with details of time and meeting place to carpool. If the walk is during the lunch hour, everyone takes their own picnic lunch.

    Open to additional members

    Contact: Laurie Salatich




  • Learn to Play Bridge learn

    Weekly on Thursdays, 1-3:30 PM at members' homes

    This is a group for people who have never played bridge or who used to play but have forgotten so much that a regular bridge group is frightening!

    Contact: Debbie Hencke (831-359-9391) for more information                                                 TOP



  • Lunch Bunch lunch

    3rd Friday at 11:30 AM; LOCATIONS VARY

    Lunches are a great place to meet new friends and to see familiar faces. The group meets at a different restaurant each month. Members take turns as host, choosing the venue and making arrangements with the restaurant. The coordinator sends out a reminder by email to the group each month.

    Contact:  Toni Wagner




  • Mah Jongg Groups mahjong

    Mah Jongg Group 1

    (Weekly on Tuesdays at 1:00 PM) The group is currently meeting outside.

    The group welcomes experienced Mah Jongg players; lessons will be offered to beginners.

    Contact: Hazel Powell


    Mah Jongg Group 2    Mah Jong 2

    Weekly on Tuesday, 10 AM - 12:30 PM

    Dorothy Carroll invites UCSC Community Connections members to join her at her home in Watsonville to play/learn this fascinating game. She says, "Every time you play, there’s something new and something learned, and all for fun! We play the Chinese game as taught by Helen Palmer. Please come and have fun. If you can't play every week, come when you can."

    Contact:  Dorothy Carroll; 768-8268                                                                                  TOP

    Group is full at this time



  • Meditate Together 

    45 minutes once a week; Monday at noon

    NEW MEMBERS WELCOME! Let's connect and meditate together over Zoom. Meditation offers an opportunity to practice tuning into the present moment, cultivating calm and awareness, and supporting colleagues. Mondays at noon, we will connect for 45 minutes. Each session will include 15-20 minutes of silence for meditation and some time to reflect and share together. Sign up here. Questions? Please contact Andrea Cohen.

    Contact:  Andrea Cohen                                                                                                       TOP



  • Travel Group  world globe

    Last Monday of the month, 10:00 - 11:30 AM in members' homes with a Zoom connection offered.

    Members of the group share information about foreign and domestic travel from their own experiences or from invited speakers.

    Although this club is CLOSED to new members, a new Travel Club will be forming if enough members sign up.

    Contact: Rusty Bowman

    Open to additional members while on Zoom                                                                        TOP



  • Volunteers in Motion (VIM) raised hands

    4th Monday

    The group promotes children's well-being, coordinating efforts with Jacob's Heart & CASA
    New members welcomed
    Contact: Leader needed                                                                                                        TOP




See Also